
  博物馆展柜在日常使用过程中应该如何清洁和保养呢。 大家都知道展柜作为展示重要文物的最重要的容器,要保持其特有的光泽度和亮度是很重要的。同时如果把握不当一些错误的清洁保养方法,可能会对文物展柜造成损伤。虽然表面看起来还是比较新并且明亮,但实际上一些签字啊的损伤肉眼无法看得到。久而久之玻璃表面就会有细微划痕,进而光泽度减退。

  How to clean and maintain the museum display cases in daily use? As we all know, as the most important container for displaying important cultural relics, it is very important to keep its unique gloss and brightness. At the same time, if the grasp of some of the wrong cleaning and maintenance methods, may cause damage to the display of cultural relics. Although the surface is still relatively new and bright, in fact, some of the signature damage is not visible to the naked eye. As time passes, the glass surface will have fine scratches, and then the glossiness decreases.


  Next, master zhou liankang cultural relics exhibition cabinet will give you the science maintenance of the exhibition cabinet easy to appear in a few kinds of problems and need to pay attention to which several aspects, hope to help the majority of museum users

  1, 清洁的工具要专业:在清理博物馆展柜的时候我们要用专用的擦布。擦布的材质一般是较为高档的软绵或细梳棉材质。不能太硬,柔软的擦布才会更好的保护展柜柜体。然后在对文物展柜进行清洁保养时,一定先要确定抹布的清洁程度。当清洁或拭去灰尘之后,最好翻过面或者换一块干净的抹布再使用。

  1. Professional cleaning tools: we should use a special cloth to clean the display cases in the museum. The material that wipes cloth is more high-grade commonly soft cotton or fine comb cotton material is qualitative. Cannot too hard, soft wipe cloth just can better protect ark cabinet case. When carrying on cleanness to cultural relic showcase to maintain next, must the cleanness degree that decides dishcloth first. After cleaning or dusting, it is best to turn over or replace with a clean cloth.

  2, 擦布每次使用完了之后要清洗干净。最好使用超声波清洗机经行清洗。因为每次擦拭过的擦布会附着很多的回城或者大颗粒。如果不清洗掉残留在擦布上面很可能下其次擦得时候就会划伤玻璃表面。

  2, wipe cloth after each use to clean. The best use of ultrasonic cleaning machine after cleaning. Because every time wipe wipe will adhere to a lot of back city or large particles. If you do not clean off the residue on the cloth is likely to be under the next rub will scratch the glass surface.

  3, 选用专用的清洗剂。现在博物馆展柜一般是由高透光玻璃和金属柜体或者实木柜体。那么玻璃清洁剂我们要选择高品质无腐蚀性的专用玻璃水,在挑选的时候可以咨询厂家有没有配套专用的。柜体的清洁剂选择的时候我们需要对应材质的我不同,选择相应的专用清洁剂。

  3. Select special cleaning agent. Now museum display cases are generally made of highly transparent glass and metal cabinets or solid wood cabinets. So the glass cleaner we want to choose high quality non - corrosive special glass water, in the choice of time can consult the manufacturers have a matching special. When the cleaner of cabinet body chooses, we need corresponding material I am different, choose corresponding and special cleaner.

  4, 对于柜体清洗完过后我们需要做一些保养措施,比如喷一些防氧化的蜡,就像汽车一样,我们需要在柜体表面施加一层防氧化的保护膜。这样可以延缓展柜老化,让表面保持持久的光亮。

  4. After cleaning the cabinet, we need to do some maintenance measures, such as spraying some anti-oxidation wax, just like the car, we need to apply an anti-oxidation protective film on the surface of the cabinet. Can defer so exhibit ark ageing, let the surface maintain abiding brightness.

  5, 专业的技术很重要,切记毛糙求快。不管是清洗还是保养打蜡我们都需要耐心的去操作。擦拭的时候最好顺着同一方向擦拭,避免来回的擦。因为同一方向比较不容易被坚硬的小颗粒划伤表面。建议在清洗前后我们可以使用吸尘器将展柜表面或者附近地上的灰尘或杂质吸除。保持无尘状态。

  5,Professional skills are important, remember the rough and fast. Whether cleaning or maintenance wax we need to be patient to operate. When wiping, it is best to wipe along the same direction to avoid rubbing back and forth. Because the same direction is less likely to be hard small particles scratch the surface. It is suggested that before and after cleaning, we can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust or impurities on the surface of the display cabinet or on the ground nearby. Keep it clean.


  6. We need to do a good job in pest control for the wooden cabinet in the museum, especially for wood-loving creatures like termites or mice. Although the wood products exhibition cabinet is not many but maintains the difficulty is bigger, needs to pay more attention. Wood products can often be moved out of the cabinet if conditions drying, dampproof dehumidification has been achieved.


  The display case of cultural relics in the museum is the last barrier to the protection of cultural relics. We need professional heart in accordance with the above introduction of some operating details to carry out cleaning and maintenance.