博物馆展柜的种类繁多,在不同的博物馆装饰装修的时候根据格局的不同会使用不同的文物展柜。同时承装不同的文物也会使用不同的博物馆展柜。今天就给大家整理些图片和案例,供大家参考。 There are many kinds of museum display cases. Different cultural relics display cases will be used in different museums according to different patterns of decoration and decoration. Meanwhile, different cultural relics will also be used in different museum display cases 博物馆桌柜:博物馆桌柜的外形设计比较简单明了,在结构上,它的上部为展示区域,下部为起支撑作用的金属框架。桌式展柜的类型通常有两种,一种是平面柜,另一种是斜面柜柜。博物馆桌柜结构简单、使用灵活、移动方便,能根据展厅环境和展示需要灵活地组织布展。 Museum table ark: the museum ark of desk appearance design is simple and clear, on the structure, it to the top of the display area, lower metal framework for the supporting role table type the type of cases and there are usually two kinds, one is plane ark, another kind is cant ark cabinet museum, simple in structure, convenient in use flexible mobile table ark, can flexibly according to the need of exhibits environment and organization of the exhibit
下面是博物馆斜面柜 博物馆斜面柜在展示文物的时候具有更加人性化的观感体验,对于一些书籍或者书画类的文物,这种斜面的展示会让参观者的视线平视浏览。对于细节的阅读会更合适! Bevel ark has more humanized look and feel experience when displaying cultural relic, for the cultural relic of a few books or calligraphy and painting kind, the show of this kind of bevel lets the line of sight of the visitor look down to browse to the reading of detail can more appropriate
博物馆沿墙通柜,是一种可以节约装饰空间的文物展柜种类。同是一位可以和墙体融为一体,在装饰效果上也会显得更加的上档次和具有整体感。 Museum along the wall through the cabinet, is a kind of can save the decoration space of cultural relics display cabinet type is a can be integrated into the wall, in the decorative effect will also appear more elegant and have a sense of wholeness 博物馆墙柜,和博物馆通柜有一定的类似,但是墙柜顾名思义是利用墙体本身作为一个面的展柜,对于展示大型文物,或者挂饰文物会有比较好的效果。 Museum wall ark, have certain similarity with museum through ark, but wall ark as its name suggests is to use wall body itself to serve as a face exhibit ark, to show large cultural relic, or hang adorn cultural relic to be able to have better effect
博物馆壁龛柜,这种的展柜是在墙壁里 但是下不落地上不至顶的柜子。简单说是在墙体中间位置的展柜。可以根据文物的大小和形制经行调整高度,是一种形式比较灵活的文物展柜。 Museum niche cabinet, this kind of display cabinet is in the wall, but the cabinet does not fall to the ground and the cabinet does not top simply means that the display cabinet in the middle of the wall can adjust the height according to the size and shape of cultural relics, which is a relatively flexible form of cultural relics display cabinet 博物馆恒温恒湿柜,是一种能够提供独特保存环境的展柜,因为文物都是比较珍贵的,很多历经千年的文物都是很脆弱的,对于保存环境要求极其苛刻。这时候我们就需要提供适合保存的环境温度和环境湿度。以保障文物不受外界环境影响而损坏! Museum of ark of constant temperature and humidity, is a kind of can provide unique cases to save environment, because of cultural relics are relatively rare, many after one thousand years of cultural relics is very fragile, to save the environment is extremely demanding at this time we will need to provide is suitable for the environmental temperature and humidity in order to save the protection of cultural relics is not affected by the external environment and damage